Why am I here?  

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Well.. Well... Well... Here I am. So what the heck? What am I doing in Singapore? I sit down and think of that now. Its been three years.. or should I say, three long years? Came here first in July 2006. Was new to the outside world at that time having spent most of my 23 years of existence within the confines and comfort of home in Chennai. A sweet doting mother, a strict yet lovable father and a cute li'l sister...
Left all that joy behind and now toiling hard in a foreign country. All this for what? For money? For luxury? For comfort? For power? For position? For career? I dont know. And I am sure I am not the only one thinking like this. Hundreds and thousands of youngsters venture out into the world unknown to them in quest of something they can never define.
The whole world has turned materialistic. Competition rules. Everything has a price. Sometimes even love has to pay. Sad thing thats happening to this once wonderful world! 'Love thy neighbour' has become a saying of the past. Only money speaks everywhere. Blood relatiosnships have become a thing that has meant to be severed. The whole world is going in a direction which nobody would have imagined some 300 years ago! So do you think you can answer my question? Why am I here?

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4 comments: to “ Why am I here?

  • Unknown
    July 13, 2008 at 9:55 PM  

    Looking forward to read your experience....

  • Ochi
    July 20, 2008 at 1:05 AM  

    Happy is the man/woman who knows his/her purpose in life ! For the rest , enjoy the quest and work at it ...Riaz , as to why "you" are here , I'd say ..... "Simply" :)

  • கிரி
    November 4, 2008 at 2:06 AM  

    ரியாஸ் நீங்களும் களத்தில இறங்கிட்டீங்களா !!! நடத்துங்க!

    உங்கள் வலைப்பதிவிற்கு என் வாழ்த்துக்கள் :-)

  • Suhaizanm
    November 4, 2008 at 10:06 AM  

    Your world is my world too... So very much depend on you, you and you... Freinds, relatives, teachers or even your parent can give you very good lectures but still the result depend on you.
    For example empty canvas. You got to paint in order looks beatiful and can attract people when they see it. How to do it? Well you need colours to paint and blend of colours is also very crucial. But not just colours you also need the skills and knowledge as well. Painting is very interesting if you know how to put it together nicely. Same goes to our life... so paint your life in your own way to benefit your self, your family as well as the world. The world need you and me to paint for the better world. So grab your brush let us paint with LOVE...


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