Retarded growth?
Saturday, August 07, 2010
It still surprises me that despite the huge amount of economic growth being reported by the Indian government every year, living standards of people never change. Blame it on corruption or mindset of Indians like us, the reality still stinks. During my recent 2 week vacation to India, my mind was constantly comparing how the same kind of things work better in Singapore and other developed countries. I was trying hard to reason why some things cannot be changed here.
For instance, talk about e-commerce and e-governance. We still do not have a social security number concept here. People continue to rally around ration cards and voter ID cards as proof of national identity. But the sad truth is that these are far from being centralised and the data in them is not completely fool-proof. Recently, we shifted to a new place in Kerala from Chennai. Just in order to change the owner's name with the Electricity Board, my father had to make almost 4 trips to the office almost 6 kms away. On one such trip that I accompanied him, I found that the people sitting there claiming to be government employees were very crude in their behaviour. The person incharge of the name change was away and the response from another guy was so lukewarm asking us to come back again the next day with no consideration for the pains undertaken by a senior citizen. We keep seeing such things in movies or encountered similar situations in our daily lives, but we still continue to keep our mouth shut and do nothing about it other than lamenting to ourselves.
In Singapore, every single application is tagged to your unique national identity number. Be it tax payment, bank accounts, medical insurance or employment accounts, every single transaction happening in your day to day activities can be tracked and monitored efficiently. This effectively results in almost zero corruption and better administration.
I happened to read in some newspaper recently that our Indian government is also planning to implement a digitized identity card, but not sure by when or whether it will be ever implemented. If the government can focus and put in more efforts on this area to make it a fool-proof system, I definitely think this will be a starting point towards change a better and efficient India in future.
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